🤖 New A.I Startup No One Knows About

This is Synthetic Mind, your 5 min A.I business newsletter with today’s latest and greatest startup idea. No sales, no fluff - Just the inside scoop on how to get rich with A.I.

💸 Today’s AI Money Maker: Sell Custom Travel Guides With A.I

Setup Time: 1 Hour

🧐 Startup Cost: $0 (Yes, seriously)

💲 First $ Made: Under 24hrs

💰Opportunity Size: $400/ Day

The Opportunity 🤫

I’m gonna be real with you for a second…

This is a very rare A.I business idea.

Until now, I have never seen an A.I business with a $0 startup cost, AND with this high of an opportunity size.

If I were you, I’d listen closely.

(What’s crazy to me is only 20% of you will do it)

What is this one-of-a-kind A.I business idea?

Custom travel guides made by A.I for $80 a pop.

Imagine that it’s Friday and you’ve had a rough week at work.

That one coworker was EXTRA annoying today AND someone ate your lunch for the 5th time this month…

But… you just remembered…

This Friday you're headed to a dream 5-day beach vacation (or some other cool spot).

Now tell me, which sounds better?

  • Option A: Arriving at your hotel and thinking “Well, what am I going to do now?”

  • Option B: Knowing before you get there, the best food, experiences, and memories are lined up for you…. All within your budget.

Honestly, who wouldn’t choose option B? It’s a no-brainer.

My point: People want to relax on their vacation. 

Not plan, budget, and stress about what to do next.

That’s why this A.I startup is a MASSIVE opportunity.

Here’s how it will work:

Clients will tell you where they want to go and what they want to do.

Then you’ll plug that into a free A.I trip planner to organize it into an A+ travel guide.

In the past, planning an entire vacation would have taken HOURS.

With A.I, it can be done in seconds.

Take a look at this A.I trip planner by Tripnotes -

Pretty cool, right?

You only have to make 5 a day.

Here’s the math:


You’re drooling.

Some people have already caught on, and they're racking it in

Let’s take a look.

Who’s Doing It 🔎

Tripnotes is a free A.I trip planner from above. They brought in over 1 million website visits in the last 3 months.

RoamAround is another free A.I trip planner. In the last three months, over 11 million people visited their website.

The good news?

People will always pay more for someone else to do the work for them.

On Fiverr, trip planners charge anywhere from $50 - $200 per trip.

Alright, we’ve talked the talk….

Now let’s walk the walk.

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A Note To Our Readers ✏️

Wait one second. We need to talk.

This newsletter is currently losing $39,000 per month (on average).

That’s right. Everyday we’re $1,300 in the red and we have a fat smile on our faces while doing it.

Why? Because we love showing you new ways to make money with A.I.

Our goal is for each of you to start your own business with A.I, or to find a way to plug A.I into whatever you’re doing. 

In order for us to reach that goal, we have to know more about you. 

We’ve put together a list of our top 10 A.I tools for productivity. 

In exchange, we ask that you fill out this 2-minute survey HERE. 

Once you finish, the link to the list will be at the end!

Thanks in advance,

Hayden, Johnathon, and the Synthetic Mind Team

The Gameplan 🏀

The How-To 🛠

Step #1 - Pick your tools. I tested over 15 A.I trip planners this week. Here are my top 3: Tripnotes, RoamAround, and TRAIVL.

(Oh, and by the way, we don't make money from telling you about these tools. They just get the job done and are super easy to use!)

Step #2 - Post on Fiverr/ Upwork/ Toptal. This is where your clients will find you. How will they pick you? It’s all based on your profile - Let’s make it a good one. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Look at other trip planners’ posts. Find profiles with the highest ratings and choose your favorite parts of each.

  • Offer ‘same day delivery’. Most trip planners aren’t using A.I. Use this to your advantage and offer shorter delivery times than everyone else.

  • Post a ‘mock’ travel guide. Show them what they should expect from you. Think about it like waving a treat in front of a dog and saying: ‘come and get it!’

  • As you get jobs, ask clients to post reviews. The more positive reviews you get, the more clients you’ll have.

Step #3 - Create their travel guide. This is where the magic happens. Before your start, talk to the client and ask what they want for their trip. Find out:

  • Where they’re going and for how long (obviously)

  • Their budget

  • What the goal of the trip is. Is it to relax? Party? See new things?

Then plug it into your A.I trip planner.

Step #4 - Offer free edits. The travel guide will take seconds to do. The ‘work’ will be in the tweaks. Don’t stress - there won’t be many if you do the prep work in Step #3.

Step #5 - Ask for pictures! Not only will your clients love that you care, but it’s great for your profile reviews. 

That’s it! Now you’ve got the perfect excuse to take a vacation!

Bon voyage.

Special Thanks To This Reader 👏

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