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🤖 The Million Dollar AI Business You've Never Heard Of

This is Synthetic Mind, your 5 minute AI newsletter that's like a shot of espresso - quick, energizing, and extremely addictive.

Today’s edition is ‘Business in a Box’ where we find an undiscovered AI business idea and show you exactly how to get it going before everyone else.

Today’s AI Money Maker: An AI software that generates the opening line for cold emails.

💰 Opportunity Size: Over 1,000,000/ year

 The Opportunity 🤫

Have you ever been told to ‘sell the shovels’?

It means that when everyone is chasing a new money-making idea, sell them something they need to get that money.

Like selling shovels to miners looking for gold.

In 2023, shovels are what bring in customers.

Think about it…

No customers = No Money

Today, your shovel is cold email openers. 

Let me explain…

My name is Johnathon Zamora (follow me on Twitter @johnathonzamora), one of the co-founders of Synthetic Mind, and I built a 7 figure company using cold emails to find clients. Here’s a picture of me with Russell Brunson, the owner of ‘ClickFunnels’:

I’m telling you this so you understand one thing: I know this works 

I know that the first line of a cold email will make or break the sale.

Meaning the first line is the most important line of the entire email.

And that my friend, is where you come in.

You will be creating an AI software that generates cold email openers.

The best part?

Once you make your software, everything after is automated. 

Meaning you get to 7 figures a whole lot faster than I did.

Here’s the math:

In the next 5 minutes, I’ll show you:

  • How to build an AI software that generates lines better than Shakespeare himself

  • How to create your own ChatGPT prompt

  • How to build a website that even Picasso would approve of

At the end, I’ll also give you a cheatsheet walking you step-by-step through finding your first 500 clients.

The Proof 🔎

First, let’s start with some proof this will work.

Outreachwriter uses AI to write entire copy like emails, posts, and sales pages. They charge $75 a month and received almost 26K website visits in the last 3 months. Keep in mind here, they’re writing the ENTIRE copy - you’re focus is on the first line.

Fastoutreach is an AI tool that writes custom email openers or messages. They charge up to $300 a month for 2,000+ lines. Almost 113K people visited their site over the last 3 months.

So, what does this tell us?

It tells us that:

  • People are interested in AI writing their copy. 25K - 112K views is a lot of people. If only 10% of the 25K buy the service, that’s still 2,500 clients.

  • They are willing to pay MORE for a great 1st line. Outreachwriter charges $75 a month for entire emails, yet Fastoutreach charges $300 a month for just the first line. Why? Because it doesn’t matter how great the email is, if the first line sucks no one will ever read it.

Ready for the secret sauce?

The Gameplan 🏀

The How-To 🛠

Step #1 - Hire a Bubble developer on Upwork. Bubble is like the IKEA of app building. You can build an entire app with no coding skills just by following directions. Expect to pay a minimum of 7K for your developer. I know that may seem steep but, there are 2 things to consider:

  1. After you pay the upfront cost, all the hard work is done. Meaning you will make money with no effort since everything is AI-generated.

  2. You will have very little competition. Most people are not willing to invest money into projects like this.

And as Billy Napier once said…. “Scared money doesn’t make money”

Step #2 - Build your website on Webflow. Think of this as the cover of your book. This is the first page everyone sees and how they will decide if they want to use your software. Let’s make it great. Use Fastoutreach as inspiration - they did a GREAT job.

Step #3 - Create your ChatGPT prompt. This will be the prompt that you plug into ChatGPT to create the opening line. Your prompt will have a base ‘formula’ and include spots to fill in specific contexts based on your client. I’ve also created a guide that you can use on our homepage under ‘resources’

Step #4 - Find your first 500 clients. Think of this as a ‘test run’. Use your software to write your opening lines. As promised, I’ve here is a step-by-step guide walking you through how to find your first 20 clients. I know it works because it is exactly how I did it.

Pro tip - For better results, tell your clients that if they do not receive an increase in sales, you will give them a 100% refund.

That’s it!

Byte Of The Day 🐟

That's all for today folks, but before you go….

Should we keep doing ‘Buisniss In A Box'?’ Let us know below!

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