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šŸ¤– Googleā€™s AI Search Coming Soon

This is Synthetic Mind, your 5 min AI newsletter thatā€™s more reliable than a Honda before 2010. Thatā€™s right, weā€™d never leave you stranded on the sidelines of AI.

Here's whatā€™s new:

  • šŸ”Ž Googleā€™s AI Search Coming Soon

  • šŸ—£ Musk Reveals His AI Master Plan: TruthGPT

  • āš”ļø Microsoft Announces Their Secret Weapon

  • šŸŸ Byte Of The Day: 7 ChatGPT Prompting Tips

  • šŸ§  Mind Memes

Read Time: 5 min

šŸ”Ž Googleā€™s AI Search Coming Soon

As far as AI goes, Google looks like the BEFORE picture in a gym ad.

Not only is it old news, but people are WAY more attracted to AI tools like ChatGPT and Bing.

So much so that Samsung announced that they plan to sign a $3B contract with Microsoft to use Bing as their default search engine. Not Google.


Google has gone from the #1 search engine to a second - place tool at best.

Honestly, I thought Google was done forā€¦

Then I saw this: Google has launched Project Magi - A plan to add an AI search engine to Google Search

AKA Google has caved to the AI peer pressure.

Hereā€™s what to expect:

  • Search becomes a chat - Think ChatGTP + Search.

  • GIFI - New AI image generator in Google Images.

  • Coding Assistant - Google will be adding a coding assistant to search. It will answer any code questions and even write its own code when given a prompt.

  • Tivoli Tutor - Language tutoring via AI chat.

  • Music Search - The goal is to find music via an AI chatbot. This could get very interestingā€¦ 

The new Google will be released next month to a test group, then will slowly roll out to the U.S.

Their goal is to have over 30 Million users by the end of the year.

Is it possible?

Will Google make a comeback and retake its search throne?

Many donā€™t think so.

Especially after their AI chat ā€˜Bardā€™ tanked its release earlier this year.

But as Kobe Byrant once saidā€¦.

ā€œBoos donā€™t block dunksā€ 

šŸ—£ Musk Reveals His AI Master Plan: TruthGPT

Ladies and gentlemen, the day we have been waiting for is FINALLY hereā€¦

Elon Musk revealed his AI master plan in an interview with Tucker Carlson.

Donā€™t watch it.

Itā€™s 34 minutes long. Let me give it to you in 3.

Here are the highlights:

  • Musk thinks ChatGPT is ā€˜being trained to lieā€™. As in withholding information, being politically biased, and making up information. Heā€™s especially upset that OpenAI is not open (no pun intended) about their tech plans.

  • His new AI is called ā€˜TruthGPTā€™ - Itā€™s an AI that only says the truth and tries to ā€˜understand the nature of the universeā€™.

  • TruthGPT wonā€™t kill humans because it will find humans ā€˜interestingā€™. His logic is that humans are an interesting part of the universe. Therefore, AI wonā€™t want to end humanity. One problem: Interesting doesnā€™t mean necessary.

  • He compares it to how we see chimps: We think theyā€™re cool and we want to protect them.

Overall it wasnā€™t a very comforting 34 minutes.

Musk 100% believes that AI will become something that we canā€™t controlā€¦.

But will instead control us.

Things are about to get very interestingā€¦

āš”ļø Microsoft Announces Their Secret Weapon

If thereā€™s anything weā€™ve learned today, itā€™s that AI is not for the weak - hearted.

Not only do you have to be quick, but you canā€™t show all of your cards at once.

Especially on days like today, when Microsoft clears the board with a Royal Flush:

Microsoft has unleashed their secret weapon- A new AI chip named ā€˜Athenaā€™

Hereā€™s why thatā€™s BIG:

  • Every big AI model needs an AI chip to run.

  • NVIDIA is the biggest AI chip dealer around. However, theyā€™re struggling BIG TIME to keep up with the high demand. For reference, OpenAI alone will need 30,000 to commercialize ChatGPT.

  • Some companies like Google and Amazon have already created their own AI chips. Meaning Microsoft is way behind schedule. The fact that theyā€™ve stayed ahead in the AI race without their own AI chip is pretty impressive.

Microsoft will be going pedal to the medal in the upcoming weeks as Athena speeds up tech production and lowers their costs.

Right now the AI chip is available to a few OpenAI employees for testing. No one knows when they plan to use it in their other AI applications.

šŸŸ Byte Of The Day: 7 ChatGPT Prompting Tips

Thereā€™s a reason Prompt Engineers make $335K a yearā€¦.

Getting AI to do what you want, exactly how you want it is no easy feat.

However, you donā€™t have to be a rocket scientist to learn the basics.

Here are 7 prompting tips for ChatGPT:

šŸ§  Mind Memes

šŸ™ Special Thanks To This Reader:

I have urges tooā€¦.. mineā€™s just to hit snooze 10x every morning

Thatā€™s it for today folks! Stay curious, and never forget to say ā€˜thank youā€™ to ChatGPTā€¦..

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