🤖 AI Art Loses Copyright Protection

This is the Synthetic Mind with your Trusty Tuesday’s Tidbits in AI. Saturdays may be for the boys, but Tuesdays are for the techyyys.

Here’s what we’ve got for you:

  • AI Art Loses Copyright Protection

  • ChatGPT Now Gives Social Credit Scores

  • Quick Bytes

  • Mind Memes

AI Art Loses Copyright Protection

Here’s the thing…

The A.I - Art - Hustle train couldn’t go on forever.

We know it was fun while it lasted. We were told some of you made millions…

But the good times of selling your DALL-E art on ETSY just came to a screeching stop:

Copyright will not protect A.I art. 

What does this mean?

Why can’t you keep your not - so - secret money tree?

A few reasons:

  • It’s not considered ‘human made’. Only things made by humans are protected under copyright. Seems a bit harsh but ok.

  • Copyrighted images are used in A.I - generated art. Technically that art was never yours to begin with.

  • You weren’t the ‘mastermind’ behind the whole thing. Meaning every detail wasn’t yours. So just typing a few words into Midjourney won’t cut it.

Now anyone can sell your A.I art without asking. Making the supply higher than the demand.

So your art = Zilch

Here’s what we’re wondering though…

How long can this Anti - AI - Copyright thing last?

Everything is already being A.I-ified: Music. Radio. Movies.

Even my grandma’s bestie Bing.

We’re starting to see A.I as a part of things. A tool that we use to make things better.

So why can’t creativity be the same way?

Think about it:

  • Singers sample other artists’ songs

  • WTF would you consider a collage then?

  • You came up with the original idea anyways. A.I just made it happen.

Saying A.I can’t be a part of creativity is like saying you don’t use spellcheck on your emails.

Either way, we don’t see this copyright law sticking.

ChatGPT Now Gives Social Credit Scores

ChatGPT is back at it again.

Every week is always something new: Fighting with Google, passing its med. exam, finding new gold mines…

This time things get a little but scarier…

Even scarier than forgetting your wife’s birthday for third year in a row.


ChatGPT now gives ‘social credit scores’- Basically a number that shows how much people like you.

Here’s how it ranked 15 major public figures:

Dr. Fauci: +10

Elon Musk: -9

Dr. Peterson: -10

A negative ten?!


No worries though. Dr. Peterson took it like a CHAMP:

Other’s like Dr. Malone who maxed out at -3 did not:

He’s got a point though… There does seem to be a bit of a trend here.

Favorites = Anyone associated with ‘public health’

Sh*t list = ‘Right - wing propaganda’ and ‘controversial views’

Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.

Do I smell bias?

From being ‘woke’ to profiling ‘good doctors’ as white…..

ChatGPT is no stranger to the ‘B’ word. Don’t expect it to stop anytime soon either…

To get rid of all bias will require a lot of time and training.

Remember, the internet trained ChatGPT. So any bias on the internet flows into it.

That’s a whole lotta bias.

But since we’re not there yet, ChatGPT shouldn’t be used to create social scores any time soon.

Although it is an interesting thought…

Will A.I ever be used to determine social standing?

I think I'd rather take on the angry wife.

Quick Bytes

Mind Memes

That’s all we have for you today folks. Stay curious, and rest easy knowing that even when things don’t seem great, at least you haven’t been given a -10 social score.


or to participate.