🤖 A.I takes on Minecraft with Microsoft

This is the Synthetic Mind, your AI newsletter, or as we’re more commonly known “Sweeeeet Carolineeee”. Why? Because with us, ‘good times never seemed so goooooood”!

……Ba ba bah

Here's how we're closing out the week:

  • Figure: The New Job Snatcher

  • AI Takes On Minecraft With Microsoft

  • Quick Bytes

  • Mind Memes

Figure: The New Job Snatcher

You’re not going to like what I’m about to tell you.

Honestly, most of you won’t make it to the end.

But that’s ok, not all of us can handle the truth.

Most importantly, don’t forget….

We tried to warn you

Let me start from the beginning -

Before dating a cheerleader was enough to check you into the cool kids club.

Now everything is flipped. Nerd is in.

Oh, you think I’m kidding?

Nerds make everything from the phone you’re holding to this A.I. newsletter.

This is their world, we’re just living in it.

Most of all, Brett Adcock who in 2022 came straight outta left field throwing us the catch of the century: Figure- an AI robotic company that’s going to change the labor force as we know it.

Construction? Gone.

Landscapers? Gone.

Cashiers? Gone.

Just in case your mind didn’t just explode, let me explain just what exactly that means.

  • 60% of all the money made in the US goes to workers in physical labor AKA about $12.86 TRILLION every year. That’s like 2,000,000,000,000 Chipotle burritos…

  • 50% of all the money made in the WORLD goes to physical labor. That’s roughly $40 Trillion every year. My brain won’t even calculate how many burritos that could buy.

  • Replacing labor just makes sense. It’s faster and cheaper.

All we can say for sure is that to big businesses, AI just became the best thing since sliced bread. The question now is who gets the first byte?

Figure’s Robot Release Game Plan -

  1. Just now putting the finishing touches on a full-scale human robot. We don’t know what exactly it can do but there’s no doubt we will know soon… maybe even a little too soon.

  2. Will first sell to businesses with labor shortages.

  3. After that, first - come - first serve. Does that mean we all just lost our jobs? Yup.

Don’t fret, you can wipe that tear you just shed because not only is Figure hiring (so you can get in on the winning side early) but AI has also created so many new opportunities for jobs:


A.I. Takes On Minecraft With Microsoft

Just when I thought Karma was BS….

Microsoft pairs up with Minecraft.

Happy to see the door I held last week finally paying off.

Mhmm. From now on I’m holding doors for ‘errrrbody.

This A.I will do anything. Where’s the limit? The sky.

You want a castle? Done. Car? Say no more.

Here’s how it works:

  • Dream up something crazy like a purple penguin in a diamond tree house

  • Say what you want (Don’t forget to say ‘please’)

  • Purple penguin in diamond tree house appears in minutes

Crazy right?

Microsoft says it’s just an ‘experiment’ ATM.

Apparently their A.I can’t quite grasp what’s being asked

For example, you want to say “Build me a gold castle”


"Build me a castle using gold that’s 600 blocks high, 50 blocks wide, and with 50 rooms”

'Cause ain't nobody got time for that.

We do see one issue here though….

What’s that saying? Nothing worth having comes easy?


Either way - it's still pretty damn cool.

So make sure to get all the good karma you can and we’ll keep our fingers crossed for a quick release!

Quick Bytes

Mind Memes

That’s it for this week folks! We’ll see you soon, but until then stay curious and maybe start learning to code?


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